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My Worship Album

He Finds the Beauty in the Broken

Josh North

I am honored to announce the release of my first ever worship album entitled “He Finds the Beauty in the Broken.” I truly feel that these songs were God lead and I wrote and recorded this album within a month, which is very quick in terms of producing an album. I truly tried my best to let go of my opinions, not second guess music and lyrics and
I am honored to announce the release of my first ever worship album entitled “He Finds the Beauty in the Broken.” I truly feel that these songs were God lead and I wrote and recorded this album within a month, which is very quick in terms of producing an album. I truly tried my best to let go of my opinions, not second guess music and lyrics and be fully lead by the Holy Spirit. I want to thank Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior for being with me during the making of this album and I pray that it reaches those who He intended it to reach!

Beauty in the Broken

Beauty in the Broken is the song that sparked the inspiration to begin writing this album. I was challenged with the question "What do I feel is the biggest problem in the world?” and the first thing that came to my mind was human sex trafficking. Followed by that question was myself being told that whatever I felt was the biggest problem in the world is something I should be apart of helping. Being someone who has had a dark history of porn and sex addiction, hearing the reality of what happens to people in the sex industry and human trafficking broke my heart. I learned that many woman in porn videos are actually sex trafficking victims and every time you click to watch a porn video, you are supporting the human sex trade industry. The reality of this helped me humanize every girl that I have ever selfishly used both face to face and virtually. “Beauty in the Broken” is about sharing God's love to victims of sex trafficking and how he truly sees them, how he favors them, and how wants to make them into a new creation. I wanted to use the gifts that God gave me to hopefully make an impact in sex tracking survivors lives. Even though both men and woman are trapped in sex trafficking, I wrote this song specifically for the woman who have been or are still in sex trafficking. I encourage you to research the reality of human sex trafficking, a good place to start is or

Deeper in Love

Deeper in love is basically my love song to Jesus. It is me celebrating who Jesus is and my love for Him. As the years go on and I get to know Him more intimately, the more I fall deeper in love with Him and every aspect of who He is. This is one of my favorite songs on the album because it just makes me feel happy knowing that I love Jesus with all my heart, and I am not ashamed to admit it!


During this time in my life I have felt called to prison ministry. I found out that due to Covid-19, inmates are not allowed to have visitors and have been tremendously impacted by lack of face to face time with those who love them. I wrote this song from the perspective of an inmate who is struggling with self worth due to their mistake. Someone who feels like they are seen as the scum of the earth and basically invisible to society. At the same time I also watched a documentary of a pro skater in the 80’s named Mark “Gator” Rogowski. Mark had a troubled life but found Jesus at the height of his career. Sadly, he made a terrible mistake and was sent to prison for a very long time. The documentary affected me because I know that the Mark had a desire to pursue the Lord and was making an honest effort, but Satan will do anything to break that connection between us and God and in his Mark’s case, satan took one final attempt to destroy Mark and Mark fell for it. Still that does not mean that Mark’s story is over! I believe God can and will still use him. In the chorus I use the Bible verse from Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” That verse is to encourage those who have made mistakes but have repented and turned from their sinful ways. God can still use those who make mistakes and their story is not over.

The God Who Reigns

The God Who Reigns was the second song written for the album and is basically a declaration of who God is, how good God is and how blown away and grateful I am that He would come into my life, pursue me relentlessly and unchain me from my sin and bondage. A true and simple worship song. God is the Creator, He is the Protector, He is the Hero, He is the Redeemer, He is the God who reigns today and forever!

Forever Yours

Forever Yours is a song about wanting so desperately to live for God and be used for good by Him. I have found in my life that when I let my eyes wander from Jesus it gets me into trouble. I start the song off with an apology to God for all the times that has happened and how I truly want to be a vessel fully and passionately dedicated to God to be used for good by him. The bridge of the song is reminding myself where I was where God found me and where I am now due to God’s unconditional love and grace and for that, I am forever His!

A Sinner’s Prayer

A Sinner’s Prayer was written with prison inmates in mind, but also those who are caught in a lifestyle of sin. For people who feel there is no way out of their sin and have reached their rock bottom. Life myself, when people hit rock bottom, they have nowhere to run except to Jesus. Also like myself, if you pray with a sincere heart to Jesus in times of trouble, whether you are a believer or not, He will present himself to you! That is what Jesus Christ did for me and it forever changed my life and broke the chains of my bondage in sin! It can be as simple as “I repent, Lord forgive me. I believe you died on the cross to save me.”

Jesus Christ see’s the beauty in your brokenness, and he delights in it!

God bless,

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Hello and welcome, 

I am an indie singer/songwriter, music producer, worship pastor and grateful follower of Jesus Christ. 

I grew up I a new age household spent 25 years of my life not knowing Jesus. I spent my late teens and early 20's in music school and eventually went off to Hollywood where I lived the "rockstar lifestyle." I became addicted to sex, porn and alcohol and lived that lifestyle for years. After my mom died, I was at my lowest and I literally collapsed and prayed to God out of hopelessness and desperation. After that prayer, the Holy Spirit immediately showed up in an undeniable way that could not be ignored. That was at age 25 and ever since then I have passionately pursued my savior Jesus Christ!

I have been writing, recording and performing music for almost 20 years. I have had the honor of being involved in many aspects of the music business. Some notable moments in my career are performing live at SXSW in Austin Texas, The Viper Room in Los Angeles, The Hard Rock Cafe and the Berklee Performance Center in Boston as a solo artist and within various bands. I have also performed on and produced over 9 albums and multiple single releases that range from Hard Rock to Singer/Songwriter to Children's Music. I am an alumnus from both Berklee College of Music in Boston where I studied voice and was awarded the Berklee Achievement Scholarship and Musicians Institute in Los Angeles where I studied guitar. 

In 2017, I began writing and recording songs independently as a solo artist. My hope is to help heal and inspire others through my music. As a devout Christian many of my songs have Christian themes and my ultimate goal is to bring Glory to God through my music and spread the hope of Jesus Christ to others. I am married to my wife Erin and we have 2 amazing children, Lydian and Isaiah. I write, record and produce all my own music independently out of my home studio in Tacoma, Washington.


Pick Up The Pieces

I am excited to announce the release of my song Pick Up The Pieces.

Have you ever felt like you were just done with life?

This song was written from the perspective of someone who is trying to get through…

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Big God

I am excited to announce the release of my song Big God!



Big God is a song I wrote the guitar riff to over a decade ago, before I was a Christian! The lyrics were written in 2023 and are…

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Jesus makes things weird...

I was a vocal coach for many years. During those years, I met and taught people from all walks of life and because of my personality and style of teaching, my voice lessons often turned into counseling sessions for my…


I don’t believe in soulmates. I believe there are broken men and there are broken woman and we are to go out and find another broken person who loves God with all their heart and puts God first, even above…


Desperate…That is the name of my latest song release. This song was written about being desperate for God after trying all the avenues that the world tells you will give peace, happiness and love. Wasting so much time giving your…

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Not Satisfied

A new era of music has begun! 

I am excited to let you all know that my newest music single called “Not Satisfied” is now out on all streaming platforms and online stores. If you have followed my music over…

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Making an impact for Jesus

This past weekend I attended a film festival where one of my faith based short films was selected to be screened. The evening of the showing, the place was packed! I realized that my film would probably be the only…

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